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After Soller Jane had to leave, it was a shame but as it was the end of the school holidays all the flights were full so we had to go to Palma to drop her off. It was bad luck because about half the time Jane had been with us we have been on long legs which was not he plan at all, but that is as they say sailing.

I booked a marina in Palma and they give me a berth number but I had no idea where to go. Eventually we headed down what I can only describe as a narrow cul-de-sac we reached the end and decided we were in the wrong place and manouvered the boat to back out (not an easy task) when the marina staff suddenly appeared and started gesticulating. There was a tiny gap in an impossible position and to no one surprise except mine I backed the boat into the hole first time without touching either boat alongside us.

Later that evening we went out for dinner and we went to a place that I have been to in the past and it is one of the best restaurants in Palma, but we were placed right next to a speaker and could not get served so we departed and went elsewhere. It was a disappointing end to Jane's visit.

The next day Linda and I became tourists and went to the cathedral, it was frankly under-whelming after all the places we have been on this thrip thus far, the cathedral in Cadiz was so much more impressive. We had a good time, after the cathedral we went for a quick lunch and then to the royal palace. the palace was so much better and if you are in Palma and you time is limited go to the palace not the cathedral.

  • A lovely sail to Palma
  • It was 38 degrees
  • A view over the harbour
  • A selfie?


© 2021 Paul Reading