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Motril to Gibraltar

In the morning I got up at 8am I awoke to find that we had moored Sea Crusader to a pontoon that was secured by two bits of string! I actually think that it was dynema but it looked very dodgy, it held.

I went to the office with all the boat papers and met the owner of the yacht who was blocked in he told me that they wanted to leave at 8:30. I returned to the boat and git the crew up and we left. As we exited the protection of the harbour walls and pointed towards Gibraltar the swell/waves were coming straight at us, It was not very nice but after about half an hour it went flat. I have no idea why but it was welcome never the less. Unfortunately the winds were blowing at about 12-14 knots from the west so we had to punch into it under motor. We elected to take a slightly circular route to get some protection from the land and initially it looks like we were going to arrive at around 9:30pm but as we closed the straights the tide turned against us and we lost over a knot and as a result we made it to the anchorage at 11:30pm. What a joy it was to be in such a nice anchorage, we opened some wine and cheese.

The marina opened at 8:30 and after a good nights rest we entered to our allocated berth. Ian and Gwyn packed their bags and went up the rock. Later that evening they flew home.

Today Ian and Gwyn will return and we will go back to the anchorage before the marina closes and tomorrow we will head for Cadiz. Orcas as very active in the bay but so we will hug the coast line. This seems a successful strategy as many boats are following the shoreline and are not being attacked, it seems that you are only at risk if you try to cross the bay in a straight line.

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